
Simple, and relaxed photo sessions; you be you in your moments with your people in your places.

Is the fast pace, the to-do lists, the comparatives, the everyday life chaos and posed photo taking stress keeping you from documenting your moments?

Sometimes we get lost in the race. But I see you, striving to collect your moments, to find peace in the now, and to shelter your memories to survive a lifetime. And I can help.

First, take a deep breath. Second, contact me today to book your session!

Moms are essential and all they essentially want are smiles.

Hello Fellow Memory Collectors! This is a gratitude post. Bonny came to me with one wish, to see the smiles on her children’s faces so she could plaster them all over her walls at home. As a mom myself, I knew what she meant. She was looking for those smiles you see when you tickle…

Introducing: Made of Moments Photography

Hello fellow memory collectors! I’m so glad you are here today. Made of Moments Photography’s very first entry is on the topic of memory creation, and memory safe keeping. Take a second, and resurface a feel-good memory. Are your senses alive with taste, smells, vivid colors, and all-the-feels? Good. Keep going…I’ll wait. 🙂 Research shows…

Made of Moments Photography
